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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

MU-ettes fashion show

Mulain was with MU Sara and her team of MU-ettes creating looks for a charity fashion show in town. All worked very hard and designed looks for make-up and hair...asking Sara to jot down all her design notes and looks for you guys.....am sure you would love to know what she did. She had to be clever and create something that complemented 5 different designers, as there was no time for change in between! Not easy for sure.....well done fellow MU-ettes and hope you had a good time doing it.

MU Virginia is up to her eyeballs in Victorian hairstyling in Jaipur and MU Natasha and the team are creating magic in the classroom! It's all about bases this week...tricky but imperative to learn....as we all know the 'foundation' is the foundation of any make-up look. Am I right or am I right?

Mulain x