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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Election fever!

Mulain 'opes you are going to vote tomorrow!

We do not care at fat mu 'oo you vote for but pleeze I ask you - exercise this prilivege. Your vote does count.....if you don't like zee system, change zee system!

In an ideal world Mulain would like to see roads with no 'oles, less traffic somebody pleeze....flying cars like in zee '5th Element' would be much better non? We are 'oping that the opening of the Worli-Sealink bridge will make a difference to all us Mumbaikers - let us watch and wait mon amis. This maximum city also needs maximum nights, reversal of the 'omo-sexuality law would be great, all leetle children to have a right to education, men with super long finger nails should be banned - tres importante and everyone should 'ave a full body massage at least once a month - we must de-stress living on such a teeny-tiny bit of land with so many millions. C'est incroyable 'ow we do it....really!

So for tomorrow - pleeze no more throwing of the slipper, putting pebbles in chopper fuel tanks and enough armchair politics - cast your vote - the world is watching us India - Chalo!

Mulain x